Who We are

The Department of Human Resource Management and Development in Malawi

The DHRMD is a central government agency that is mandated under the Public Service Act, 1994, Sections 18 to 20 to manage the Public Service in Malawi.

Specifically, DHRMD’s mandate as stipulated in Section 19 of the Public Service Act, 1994 is:
  1. To effectively and judiciously administer the provisions of the Act;
  2. To develop, review and maintain public service policy;
  3. To continuously examine public service related needs and priorities at various levels of the administration of government and assess the relevance and effectiveness of current administrative instruments of the public service with a view to recommending appropriate measures;
  4. To develop and maintain sound and effective public service systems and practices appropriate to the requirements of Malawi;
  5. To periodically review the extent of decentralization or delegation of authority necessary for efficient and effective performance of the public service; and
  6. To develop, introduce and judiciously administer public service conditions of service, codes of ethics, precedents and norms to ensure that the service integrity, staff morale and welfare, and the overall performance of the public service continuously remain high.

and Sections


Department of Human Resource Management and Development.
Office of the President and Cabinet

A P. O. Box 30227,Lilongwe 3.E info@dhrmd.gov.mwM +265 999 071 770
Copyright © 2024 DHRMD

Design & Development By DHRMD ICT



Department of Human Resource Management and Development, +265 888 877 508 , Capital Hill Circle, Lilongwe, Malawi